Logo Archive
This is a sample collection of logos that I have created over the years.
The philosophy behind creating a great logo is to aspire to these three things:
- Create an image that tells a story about the company or entity. This is done through either iconography and/or type face design.
- A logo needs to be simple enough that it’s easy to read in a couple of seconds. A good logo can live as a fully rendered color image while also being able to translate to black and white. That way the logo can be used in many applications from websites to one color screen prints.
- The logo also needs to be memorable. When someone sees the logo again, they will remember not only the company but the feeling and emotional experience they had with the brand.
The Rock Steady
The Rock Steady is a DJ bar in Oakland California. The decor is rustic and industrial so the logo is meant to look like a label or tag on a piece of machinery.
Green Energy Regional Center
Green Energy Regional Center provides debt capital for solar-power projects. The logo is meant to reflect clean energy while also establishing a solid look for the financial institution. The icon has a double meaning in that it represents a wind turbine harnessing the wind to create power or a flower and flag. The flower evokes the meaning of earth’s abundance and the wind lines are reminiscent of a flag symbolizing the company’s international roots.
Sage Wealth Group
Sage Wealth Group specializes in financial services and planning. The owner wanted an image that showed growth and financial stability.
OneWall™ technology is an innovation that uses a large bank of LCD screens working together to display animations and marketing messages. The screens can then be mounted over an infinite bank of game consoles in a casino, hotel or airport.
The Healthy Locavore
The Healthy Locavore is a food and lifestyle blog located focusing on holistic health while also emphasizing eating locally to support your health, community and the environment. On the blog there are also easy local recipes, health tips and more. The owner specifically wanted an red, orange and pink hibiscus flower as the icon.
The SkilTab logo was designed for Diamond Game and their alternative gaming products. The design direction was to create a logo that was reminiscent of a power tool logo while also retaining the gaming industry’s bright and fun style.
Big Rec Taproom
Big Rec Taproom is a small sports bar and restaurant in San Francisco California which specializes in craft beer and American cuisine. The logo evokes the baseball logos of the past.